Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Just water it.

At 28 degrees with 11mph winds, it feels like 18 degrees in Marion, IN today.

Such a terrible day for me to wish it were summer.

Why does the grass ALWAYS seem greener? Why do we always wish for the things that we don't have or can't experience in these moments? What's wrong with all the cool stuff we can experience?
Living in the present is such a gift.
I choose to be present today. I choose to wear a scarf and jacket because I wanted to do that this summer and I was stupid because it was tank top weather. I choose to embrace my Wednesday off of work because I won't have it this way for long. I choose to look to the future with excitement and not despair that I can't have the future stuff right now. I choose to pray and wait for the things God has yet to come, but not to linger in those thoughts. I choose to trust that God is bringing those future things in due time. perfect time.  

"The grass is greener where you water it."

Cheese quote, but so true.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

On Letting Go

One of my dearest friends (coughcoughAnneJohns) wrote the poem below. I always love reading it. Luckily, this morning I found it randomly tucked away on my computer (as was my hope in tucking it- that it would I would be able to discover it once again).

On Letting Go

I have a tendency to grab
onto fragile things
like stems of dandelion seeds
I hold them tightly
block the breeze
worry they'll be swept
from my tightly clenched fist

my crushing grip achieves
more damage than my fear
disfiguring the treasures
that I hold so dear
but when I allow the wind
to whip them from my hand
I watch them
spreading, rooting, flourishing

when I've let them be
I find them growing up all round me
little yellow jewels
the wind served well
that wouldn't have ever grown
if my hands had not let go