Tuesday, January 8, 2013

On Letting Go

One of my dearest friends (coughcoughAnneJohns) wrote the poem below. I always love reading it. Luckily, this morning I found it randomly tucked away on my computer (as was my hope in tucking it- that it would I would be able to discover it once again).

On Letting Go

I have a tendency to grab
onto fragile things
like stems of dandelion seeds
I hold them tightly
block the breeze
worry they'll be swept
from my tightly clenched fist

my crushing grip achieves
more damage than my fear
disfiguring the treasures
that I hold so dear
but when I allow the wind
to whip them from my hand
I watch them
spreading, rooting, flourishing

when I've let them be
I find them growing up all round me
little yellow jewels
the wind served well
that wouldn't have ever grown
if my hands had not let go