Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Today I had two tests... shoot! i have to call Hillary back!......done. ok, so i had two tests. And as of now i feel like my brain is a vegetable (i just realized this thing has spell check. word.). But i thought i'd send an update of thoughts for the day.

thought 1 i hate tests
thought 2 tests are good for me though, cause they make me sit down and focus. i focus way better when i'm forced to... sometimes. today i did.
thought 3 even though i suck at taking tests and don't always get good grades, i feel smart. And sometimes i feel like God has helped me see things through higher education. things i wouldn't have realized without the forced learning process we call school. I like that. Even though school gets annoying and frustrating, God can still be in the midst of it and speak little whispers about life. i like His whisper voice.
thought 4 I'm currently taking my last Amoxicillin (meds for my sinus infection).
thought 5 sleep is the key to a door of success.
thought 6 the devo in Psych today was the same scripture (1 John 4:7-21) that i talked about in unit devos. i think it's cool when God speaks to His people on similar things.
thought 7 i think our generation's way of keeping God's name Holy is through capitalizing His name... like how the Hebrews used to use YHWH so they wouldn't just skim over God's name. I like that.


  1. can i just say that you need to blog more often because you're in the library writing your disserfreakingtation and i want to drink you in. unfortunately i've already drunk this particular part of you in. it's my substitute for actually talking to you.

    ps- i want on my facebook mom.
