Thursday, May 27, 2010


when i get money:
1. new watch
2. mac computer (this is more like a dream than a reality... like a unicorn on the wish list)
3. Ben Folds discography (when he plays i drool. period... actually not period, i wish he didn't have to curse so much)
4. guitar lessons
5. camping gear

...I'm just going to stop there. otherwise this will just become a covetous post.

something cool I've been thinking about:
splinters. i got one the other day. i forgot about it for like 24 hours then the next day mom had to help me get it out. what a pain. also, bruises. where do they come from half the time? i feel like i just wake up and find a bruise sometimes. did it happen in my sleep? shoot, that would suck. anyhow, i kind of like when i find splinters and bruises on my body. To me their like little signs of success saying "hey, remember than time you did something with your time? remember when you helped someone out? or moved around and were productive?" they're like my body saying "thanks. thanks for getting splinters in your hands and not in your butt from sitting the bench of life all day." i like that. get off your butt, your body will thank you... maybe in weird ways though haha


  1. i like it. And bruises, it's so funny how they show up randomly :)

  2. I wish he didn't swear eiiither.

    The mac might happen one day, you never know.

    Good splinter perspective.
